Christmas Cards in the New Year
help us recycle your Christmas cards for the Woodland Trust Scheme.
We're asking you to recycle your Christmas cards to
help us turn your cards into trees!
every 1,000 cards dropped in to Marks & Spencer stores for recycling
throughout January 2017, a new tree can be planted!
the New Year, please bring any Christmas cards to the foyer outside the school office
where there will be a bin. Do bunch these together and place a slip with the
amount you are posting into our bin - this way the children will be able to
calculate quickly whether we have collected enough to plant one or two trees.
Please do not put loose cards in. The recycling bin will be in the foyer form
the start of term. If you can, please do support this worthwhile venture. We will then make arrangements for the cards to be
transported to Marks & Spencer at the end of the January 2017.
wonder how many trees we can donate?!