Friday, 27 November 2015
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Maths Learning - Week Beginning 23rd November
This week year 2 have started learning about multiplication. They have become much better at recalling facts from the 5x table and some children have been confidently working with facts from other times tables as well. We have been looking at how we can show multiplication using arrays of objects:
This one shows 5x4=20 or 4x5=20
Perhaps you could make some arrays at home with your child, bring in any work for some superhero points!
As a challenge have a think how an array could help you x larger numbers
This one shows 5x4=20 or 4x5=20
Perhaps you could make some arrays at home with your child, bring in any work for some superhero points!
As a challenge have a think how an array could help you x larger numbers
Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 23rd November

Costume Reminder 25-11-15

The Big Read - 25-11-15
This week the children have been given a slightly more challenging text in group reading to bring home and read together and talk about with you. Next week in lesson time the children will be answering some questions about what they have read. We are trying to promote enjoyment of different and longer texts, so if you read and they listen; if they want to read; if you talk about what you have read or discuss the pictures, all will be useful to help them understand the text.
Thank you for your support at home.
Thank you for your support at home.
Sunday, 22 November 2015
so proud!
Year 2 did an amazing job in delivering their class assembly on Friday, despite having such a busy week and only a couple of rehearsals. So much learning has already been packed in, as well as learning knowledge the children have developed aspects of confidence, independence, willingness to have a go, pride in their work; elements we have seen shining recently. The class has such a creative side too, improvising to music, dancing and different forms of art work have been produced recently. If you have not seen any, do pop by the classroom and take a look!
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Kit list for Friday! 17-11-15

A pillow or cushion for our party.
A teddy or cuddly toy for our party.
Your indian costume for assembly.
Don't forget it is our class assembly on Friday, 9.20am in the school hall.
The Marble Jar is Full! 17-11-15

Welcoming our student 17-11-15
We welcome Sarah Brown to the class on Thursdays and Fridays this half term. She is a student from Weymouth college who is training to become a classroom assistant.
Super Sandwiches! 17-11-15
The children in year 2 have been working hard this term finding all about sandwiches. They have researched ingredients including different types of breads and fillings as well as calculating the fat content and number of calories in their chosen design. Today was making day! Hopefully you have got to taste your child's design and they didn't eat them all themselves. Perhaps you could help to complete the design process by evaluating their product? Can you identify three things that worked really well and one improvement for your child's sandwich design? Happy Munching!
Wonderful India Day 16-11-15
What an amazing day in year 2 on Monday. All of the children were dressed in Indian costume and took part fully in all the exciting activities we had planned for them. A great big thank you to Mrs Mystry-Dyer and Mrs Webb for their hard work and to all of the parents who dressed their children so brilliantly. We also had some great artifacts and photos from Emily and Erica, so thank you! We hope you enjoyed the Indian Restaurant, come and see some photos from the day at our class assembly on Friday at 9.20am.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Class Assembly
A quick reminder that it is our class assembly on Friday 20th November at 9:20 am in the school hall. Please could all children bring their Indian Day costume in to wear for the assembly? We look forward to seeing you there and showing you what we've managed to achieve this term so far!
Sunday, 8 November 2015
British Week - Week Beginning 9th November 2015
Time for Tea Anyone?
Drinking tea is a great British Institution, nearly everyone does it, but what makes it such a British activity? Year 2 are on a mission this week to find out! They will be writing instructions, and asking if you should really put the milk in first!? We will be finding out where tea comes from and will be having the chance to taste tea from Commonwealth countries of the past, not to mention our Biscuit Dunking Challenge!
Come along and taste some of our tea and maybe even a biscuit or two on Thursday from 3pm. What could be more British than a cuppa?

Come along and taste some of our tea and maybe even a biscuit or two on Thursday from 3pm. What could be more British than a cuppa?
Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 2nd November 2015
This week we have been looking at our factual writing skills. We visited India as tourists at the beginning of the week describing some of the things we might be able to see in different parts of India. Later on we started practicing our instructional writing, thinking about how to instruct others to do simple tasks and write them as a set of ordered instructions. We used our "bossy" verbs to start each sentence.
Maths Learning - Week Beginning 2nd November
This week we have started looking at time as a unit of measurement. We have been using calendars to remind ourselves of the months of the year and their order and we have been using three main success criteria when learning to tell the time:
- Know what the different hands show on the clock (the hour hand and the minute hand).
- Divide the clock into halves and quarters to read 1/2 past times and 1/4 past and 1/4 to.
- Using the minute hand to count around the clock in 5s starting from the 12.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Children in Need 2015
Children in Need is fast approaching. You should have all received a letter today explaining about Friday (13th).
The Children's Voice will be selling Children in Need merchandise from Monday in the area outside Year 1.
On Friday our dress up theme is 'Britishness' (maybe they could dress up in the colours of our flag or famous British person)
Just like the country file team all children and staff at The Prince of Wales School will be partaking in a 1 mile ramble around our school grounds.
After school on Friday we will be having a cake sale. We would love to have lots of cakes (whole and cupcakes) and biscuits to sell. Please give all the cakes to your class teacher to store in the morning.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
India Day - 3rd November 2015 (for 16th November 2015)

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