Friday, 27 March 2015

Easter holidays!

Year 2 have worked really hard this week, their attitude and behaviour for learning has so improved and it is simply stunning to think how far they have come this year!
The class this week have; made posters about sea turtles, drawing pictograms superbly well, writing songs all about the Fire of London, recalling the Easter story on a storyboard. They should certainly be ready for a break!
The children do not have group reading books during the holiday as we are having a sort out at school over the holidays but please do encourage the children to write in their Learning diaries all other reading materials they are reading through the holidays! Also, don't forget the racing live on Mathletics to improve their mental skills, a little of this often really does help! Lastly, the spellings should have come home with a Home Learning project on the back of this sheet all about finding out about Dorchester!

Have a lovely two weeks,

Year two team

What can we find out about the history of Dorchester?!

For this Home learning we would like you to look closely at the town some of you live in and the town which all of you go to school in! DORCHESTER
Next term you will be learning about our school and the local town and its history. SO, your challenge is to find an object/ statue/ item which is in Dorchester that tells us about the history of Dorchester!

When you have decided you could:

·         Make a replica of it!

·         Take photos and produce a poster

·         Draw a picture and put facts around it

·         Create a poem

·         Paint a picture

·         Write a fact file


Thursday, 19 March 2015

Off to the farm!

We will be off to Maiden Castle Farm on Wednesday  25th March to see the new lambs.  Please remember to send your child with warm clothing, a coat and suitable footwear.

Maths Learning - Week Beginning 16th March 2015

We have been adding and subtracting this week using number lines, objects, numicon as well as vertical methods.  The children have been building on their understanding of these operations and have begun to apply their preferred method when solving worded problems.

Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 16th March

This week we have started our Sea Turtle topic!  We began by asking the Sea Turtle questions about its life in the form of a poem.  The children have used their sentence punctuation including question marks in the poem very well.  We will be finding out more about Turtles over the coming week and writing information leaflets about them using ICT.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

days in each month...

Thirty days have September,
April, June, and November;
February has 28 alone,
All the rest have 31;
Except leap year, that's the time,
When February's days are 29.[1]

On the back of the spellings sheets this week is the above poem. A life poem to learn, as once known it will always help your child recall the days in each month, a necessity for maths problems!!
See if you can all learn it together?!

The class challenge is to learn it off by heart over the next few weeks. There are other versions, can they find and recite these too?!


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Friday- Comic Relief

This Friday is Comic Relief. Just a quick reminder that we are asking the children to dress funny for money!
In assembly on Friday we will be sharing favourite jokes.  Also after school on Friday we will be having a cake sale. Each class will be baking and decorating cakes. However if you are baking this week or would like to donate some cakes for our sale please hand them to the children's class teacher on Friday.
All of the school have been learning the 2015 Comic Relief Song 'Put on a funny face'. It is a brilliant song and very catchy.  

Friday, 6 March 2015

Amazing assembly effort from all

Well the children certainly did themselves proud today! Without a huge amount of rehearsing and some with relatively new words handed out, the class confidently led the assembly today, with a big performance poem leading us through the story of the Fire of London. Excellent musicianship skills performed too, and we have to mention Bruno's superb piano playing!
The class were set a target from their last assembly which was very quietly delivered. Do you think they looked more relaxed and confident in their delivery?! I did!


Tuesday, 3 March 2015

maybe, goosebump, icecream, butterfly!?!

The compound word challenge was really well done by a lot of the class and their families. The class discussed these words and it soon became clear that a compound word is a new word meaning made up of two separate words that can mean something totally different!

E.g. goose + bump (bird and a lump!) = goosebump  - little bumps under our skin when cold or scared.

Really interesting investigation - well done Year 2!

The winning family were Jensen's!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Class Assembly

Please come along and see how year 2 have been traveling through time this term.  9:20am in the school hall, Friday 6th March.