Tuesday 15 October 2024

Year 2: Information about our Harvest celebration on Friday


We can't wait to welcome lots of you to our Harvest celebration on Friday. After the assembly we welcome you to our classroom to try the wraps that the children have made. This will only be for 10/15 minutes as we will need to get ready for lunch, but it will be lovely for you all to see the classroom. 

If you or a family member are unable to make it then please do not worry. There will be enough parents (hopefully) in the room and staff members to make sure your child has someone to taste their wraps.

If you have a child in both assemblies then please do not worry. There should be enough time for you to attend both and taste their foods.  

If you have any questions please email me or see me at the door in the morning. 

Mrs Thorpe 

Year 2: Lovely calves and a fantastic muddy farm

We had a fantastic trip to the farm today! Thank you to all the parent helpers. After walking up the very muddy path we learnt about the foraged Maize and then went and saw the tractors unloading it. We then looked at the harvester in the field and went to see the new piglets. A lovely trip, thank you farmer Hazel. 

Staying on the farm theme, here are some pictures from when the calves visited 🤎 


Year 2: Today and the rest of the week

 Just a reminder about the trip to the farm this afternoon. Your child can come in home trousers with normal shoes/trainers and then after an early lunch we will put wellies on. Everyone will need a coat today. The farm is very muddy at the moment! If your child is staying for rocket club please pack a spare set of trousers just in case. 

The children loved getting to meet the calves yesterday after the assembly from Craig's Farm Dairy. We have other talks this week including a Christian input and on Thursday they have the Dorset Literary Festival. 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Year 2: Our week so far

 This week we have been enjoying our themed fortnight. We have visited the tractor and even had our very own cow arrive! 

We have had some wet and windy weather this week and so have been inside to play 

The children have made their own pumpkin print blocks which we will be using next week for a special piece of harvest artwork.

This afternoon we had Chrissy from Wessex Wild come in and run a workshop on farming. She told us about her farm. We learnt about the different animals on her farm and where food comes from. The children got to cut and taste a variety of different foods. 

Monday 7 October 2024

Year 2: Last Friday's praise

 Apologies, I forgot to share this lovely photo of our children who were praised on Friday. Well done super 5 (1 child not in the photo). Amazing effort. I always explain to the children that even though they might not get a praise certificate this week, I am really proud of each and everyone of the children. 

Sunday 6 October 2024

Year 2: The beginning of our Food, Faith and Farming fortnight

Tomorrow marks the beginning of our Food, Faith and Farming workshop. We have a number of things happening this week. We share the timetable daily with the class but here is an overview of the week. 

Monday (tomorrow)- beginning of our themed fortnight.  In the afternoon we will be doing our harvest artwork. 

Tuesday pm- we have a visitor coming in to lead a workshop on 'what's in our lunch box'. This links really really well with our Science and DT looking at a healthy balanced diet. The children will be tasting different foods. 

Wednesday pm- Judaism workshop with a visitor where the children will be making challah bread. 

Thursday- we have an Optometrist visiting to lead a workshop on our eyes. 

Friday- Act of Kindness non school uniform day with a £1 optional donation. 

Just a quick heads up for the following week:

Tuesday 15th- farm visit. Home trousers, wellingtons, coat/waterproofs needed please. Spare set of trousers and shoes would be great. If you can help please let me know. 

Friday 18th- Dress like a farmer day. Harvest assembly and tasting of our wraps. 

Friday 4 October 2024

Year 2: Home learning and farm visit

 Home learning for this week:

-In your child's home learning folder is the kindness challenge sheet from Mrs March. 

-Read the stories they have bought home (complete the AR quiz if possible). If your child is in RWI still then they will also have an RWI book. 


Our Food, Faith and Farming fortnight starts next week. Our farm visit will be on the afternoon of 15th, if anyone is free to come and support us on this trip then please let us know. 

Please remember 'dress like a farmer' day is Friday the 18th which is also our harvest celebration. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend