Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Year 2: Planetarium visit

 What an amazing day we have had with the Space Odyssey planetarium! 

We learnt all about our planets, how we get to the moon and the history of the moon landings. We learnt all about the constellations and how stars twinkle but planets do not! Please do ask your child about their time in the dome. 

Thank you to Simon from Space Odyssey for coming to lead these sessions, to you the parents for partly funding this and the Ogden Trust for providing funds to make this happen. 

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Year 2: Learning about the Northern Lights!

 This week we started off our learning by making our way through the 'north'. All of the children were given a ticket to used their imagination and travelling through the north to find out about the lights that dance in the night. 

Using this book as our inspiration, the children have been writing noun phases to describe what they can see. Eg. Glistening snowflakes. 
We have also learnt how they are formed by ordering sentences and today as part of our handwriting practice the children wrote this sequence in their neatest handwriting. 

In Maths we have been looking at shape and learning what a quadrilateral is. 
Home learning this week will be linked to Maths and Science.

In Science we are looking at everyday materials. The children were given lots of materials to look at and had to think what they are, describe them and their uses. They also listened to the audio headsets which were linked to materials. 

The children were happy to be back to Forest School today and enjoyed getting out when it was snowing! 

My parent information session will be on Tuesday morning at 9am in the staffroom. During this session I will be talking through this half term. 

If you have any questions please feel free to talk to us at the door in the morning or after school.

🌟The Year 2 team 🌟

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Welcome to the Spring term!

Happy New Year to everyone. We hope that you had a lovely restful break! Thank you so much for your kind gifts. 

This term we are starting our learning by linking our English to our planned Space Week (w/b 13th January). I will share more about this over the next couple of days. Next week we will be having a planetarium visit the school for an exciting space adventure. If you are able to this is on school gateway. 

In Maths we will be learning about shape but please do encourage any adding, subtracting and multiplication at home. 

PE for us will still be on a Thursday with Mrs March, please can you make sure that all PE kits are in and labelled. 

Forest School will be commencing on Wednesday and the children will need layers and waterproofs as well as wellies please. 

We can't wait to see you all tomorrow

🌟The Year 2 team 🌟

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Y2: Reminders

It's Christmas Jumper day tomorrow for a £1 donation.

Please can we have the costumes for the winter performances in a named bag ASAP. 

We hope that everyone at home is feeling a little better. Please let us know if you need anything. Your child can come back to school if they feel well 48 hours after the last sickness or diarrhoea.

Next week is very busy. Monday we have a dress rehearsal, Tuesday at 9.30am is our first performance followed by our Christmas dinner. Wednesday your child can bring a soft toy as we will be having a movie morning we have a panto performance in the afternoon. Thursday is our last day for our performance. Friday we are off to the care home to sing, back for a wrapped packed lunch  (no hot dinners so please provide these) in the classroom and a visit from someone special. 

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Thank you for coming!

 Hello Year Two Families

What a wonderful afternoon we had recreating the Great Fire of London - 1666. The children and adults worked together as a team to cut, stick, glue and paint lots of fantastic Tudor houses and a fabulous bakery! 

I hope you were suitably impressed with the children's knowledge of the Great Fire of London and their singing this afternoon. They have really enjoyed this topic and this has been a wonderful way to share it with you.

Thank you all for coming

The Year Two team.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Join us for the Great Fire of London!

 Hello Year Two Families

Just a reminder that you are invited to the Year Two, Great Fire of London event on Thursday 5th December at 1.45pm.. Together we will recreate London of September 1666!

During the session you will be working alongside your child to create a building from the time of the fire. We will then put them all together to create the 1666 scene. The children have also learnt many facts about the event itself and will be able to WOW! you with their knowledge too!

P.S We are still happy to accept any boxes you may have this week too.

The Year Two Team

Friday, 29 November 2024

Year 2: A fantastic writing week!

What a fantastic Inspired to Learn writing week we have had! The children started the week describing the Big Bad Wolf. They then spent some time writing some Kindness cards. On Wednesday we followed a recipe to make our very own gingerbread people and then they wrote these up. In the afternoon they decorated them. 

In Science we have been looking at habitats of woodlice. 

Today we had a fantastic Christmas craft day followed by us walking to the postbox around the corner to post our special letters. 

We have sent home all the lines for the Winter performance. Some children chose not to have lines. There will be no home learning over the next couple of weeks. Instead, please support your child to learn their lines. If you wanted to do any home learning then times tables are always good to practice. 

Have a lovely weekend 

The Year 2 team