Hopefully all the children now have their tie dye pieces of fabric at home. They have loved learning about mixing colours.
This morning the children worked in pairs to modroc their partners hands. They all made a sculpture which they will paint next week.
This afternoon half of the class made bird feeders whilst the other half learnt about newts at the pond. The children learnt the difference between smooth newts and palmate newts.
There's no home learning this week as last weeks newt home learning was a two week one. Also, my group do not have spellings yet as we had no rwi today and so we will do our check on Monday.
We had a great day for Comic Relief!
On Tuesday next week we will be going to the farm in the afternoon. Please can your children wear normal school top but home trousers. Wellies will be best please. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help. We have lots of support for this trip now.
I am still collecting fruit shoot lids if you have any with the white lids that pop open.
Have a lovely weekend.
🌟The Year 2 team🌟