Wednesday 22 February 2017

Y2 - Literacy Learning - 22nd February 2017

This week we have been looking at the ingredients for writing a sentence.  The children decided that there are some essential ingredients for writing sentences:
Nouns - things, objects, places and people.
Verbs - doing words.
Full Stops, Exclamation Marks or Question Marks
Capital Letters
Your sentence must make sense.

We also learned that there are some extra magical ingredients to make your sentences extra sparkly:
Adjectives - Describing words.
Speech punctuation
Adverbs - Words that describe verbs (how something is done), such as quickly, happily, noisily.
Connectives - words such as and, but, because, so or while, that join simple sentences together.

Have a go at using the ingredients at home to make your own silly sentences.

Y2 - Maths Learning - 22nd February 2017

This week the children have been learning about Fractions.  Many of the children can confidently name halves and quarters and some children have begun to talk about thirds.  We have coloured pictures, found fractions of quantities and practiced writing fractions as numbers.  At home you can talk about fractions when cutting up food, telling the time and sharing things out between two and four.  Remember with fractions everyone must have a fair share!  You could also try playing this game.

Y2 - Visual Memory - 22nd February 2017

Many children find it difficult to memorise spellings and retain these in their memory.  By improving visual memory you can help your child look more carefully and help them to remember how words look and therefore how words are spelt.  Have a look at:
The purpose of this website is to provide parents with fun eye exercises to enhance their children’s visual processing skills for better school performance and improved attention. If you know a child who struggles, the underlying cause may be vision–even if the child has 20/20 eyesight. Children also need to be able to track a line of print, coordinate they eyes for single vision, make fast focusing shifts, and accurately interpret what they see.
There are some fun activities on this website that can help reinforce visual perception and may help your child to remember their spellings.

Y2 - Spellings - 24th February 2017

This week we are looking at common exception words and words with silent letters.
Red and Orange group: written, gnome, wrote, know, gnaw, write, wrong
Challenge: To find other words with silent letters.
Yellow group: knock, know, knee, wrap, write, wrong
Challenge,: Can you think of other words with silent letters.
Green group: was, saw, they, there, some, come
Challenge: Can you think of other words that you find tricky to spell?

Y2 - Home learning 22nd February 2017

Spider Home Learning Year 2
24th February 2017

This week in Science we were discussing Materials and then came the question: “What material are spider’s webs made from?”
So for home learning this week I would like you to find out about the secret life of spiders and their amazing webs.  You can present your work in whatever way you like.  A model, a poster, a picture, some writing or a photograph, be as creative as you like.  Please bring in your work by next Friday 2nd March.
Some tips for success -
Include some writing - labels, sentences or poetry.
Find out something interesting, learn something you didn’t know before.
Present your work as neatly as you can.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Y2 Maths Learning - Week Beginning 30th January

This week we have revised our understanding of fact families for multiplication and division.  We are now much more confident in identifying the link between the two operations.  Why not try this other web based game to match related facts:
Click on the x and division button.
The children have really been enjoying their maths and confidence is growing as they learn their times table facts.

Y2 Literacy Learning - Week Beginning 30th January

This week we have been reading Magic Key Stories and mapping out these stories.  We have thought about the beginning, middle and end of a story and even started to plan our own using pictures and story string!  Next week we intend to use our learning to help us write our own Magic Key adventures which will take us back to Victorian times.

Y2 Spellings - 3rd February 2017

This week the spellings are as follows:
Red and Orange groups: badge, bridge, village, change, giraffe, jacket, magic
The challenge is to think of more words that have the dge sound in.
Yellow and Green groups: jar, jog, gem, giant, join, age
The challenge is to think of more words with the j sound in.
These spellings will be checked after half term.

Y2 - The Big Write 3 Home Learning - 2nd February 2017

This week we have been reading and thinking about the structure of stories.  The children have become familiar with the characters in the Magic Key adventures and have been planning their own stories that take them back to Victorian Times.  Next week we will be doing a big write on Tuesday 7th February.  Please spend some time this weekend talking to your child about the picture we have sent home and where their adventure might take them.  Think about the beginning, middle and end of your adventure.